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Coming Soon(-er or later) More questions and levels for all quizzes. |
5 October 2016 NEW Desktop Wallpaper of kanji quizzes and more Wallpaper of kanji quizzes. |
8 July 2016 Another 50 questions and a forth level for the Jouyou Grade 4 Kanji quiz. Be careful, a lousy score will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 20 and 30 and RESET at 70 and 120! With a total of 200 questions this quiz is now complete. |
10 April 2016 NEW Katakana quiz replaces old katakana quiz with new look and new questions. 195 questions spread over 5 levels. |
12 January 2016 NEW InfoTech kanji quiz on Computer and related terms, for those who want to understand and use computers in Japanese. |
12 January 2016 NEW BioTech kanji quiz on Genetic and Biology terms, for those who want to read technical Japanese. |
28 October 2015 Another 60 questions and a forth level for the Jouyou Grade 3 Kanji quiz. Be careful, a lousy score will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 20 and 30 and RESET at 70 and 120! With a total of 200 questions this quiz is now complete. |
2 August 2015 Another 35 questions and a third level for the Jouyou Grade 4 Kanji quiz. Be careful, a lousy score will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 20 and 30 and RESET at 60! |
14 June 2015 More questions and a second level for the Jouyou Grade 5 Kanji and the Jouyou Grade 6 Kanji quizzes. Be careful, a lousy score will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 20 and 30. |
29 May 2015 More questions for the common Newspaper kanji quiz. Get a good score at 30 and 80 to reach next level. Be careful, a lousy score will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 20, and 30 and RESET at 80! |
27 May 2015 Another 50 questions and a third level for the Verbs quiz. Get a good score at 30 and 60 to reach next level. Be careful, a lousy score will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 20, and 30 and RESET at 60! |
15 May 2015 Another 25 questions and a ninth level for the Theme quiz. The new theme is PLACES. |
6 April 2015 Update for Reference pages. Print off lists of kanji for Japanese First Names, Adjectives, Illness and Professions then pin above your desk for easy reference. |
26 December 2014 Another 40 questions and a second level for the Jouyou Grade 3 Kanji quiz. Be careful, a lousy score will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 20, 30 and 50. |
9 December 2014 With another 40 questions and a third level for the Jouyou Grade 2 Kanji quiz is now complete. |
28 November 2014 New level for Anime Kanji another 30 questions and new first level with Kanji encountered during season Autumn 2014 Anime. WARNING - Lousy scores will now be ZERO-ED! at 10, 30, 50 and 100 questions. |
24 November 2014 New section, printer friendly Reference pages. Print off lists of kanji for animals, verbs, demons and monsters, warnings and signs and pin to your walls for quick reference. |
7 October 2014 With another 30 questions and a second level the Jouyou Grade 1 Kanji quiz is now complete. |
2 October 2014 More questions and a second level for the Jouyou Grade 2 Kanji 常用漢字クイズ on page 2. |
30 May 2014 A third level for Newspaper Kanji with another 60 questions. Can you reach Level 3 in less than 100 questions? |
21 May 2014 New theme for Theme Quiz - 長 おさ - forty questions about boss. The Theme Quiz now has eight themes/levels (人 悪 火 風 水 語 光 長) with 275 questions. Score 10, 10 then 20 correct answers to move up to new theme/level. It's easier than you might think. Give it a go. |
16 April 2014 New level for Anime Kanji another 40 questions and a level 4 with Kanji encountered in Mahou Sensou, Witch Craft Works, Sekai Seifuku Bouryaku no Zvezda, Nobunagun etc. |
18 January 2014 Fun new kanji quiz Odd One Out on page 2. Which kanji is the odd one out? |
5 January 2014 New theme for Theme Quiz - 光 ひかり - forty questions about light. The Theme Quiz now has seven themes/levels (人 悪 火 風 水 語 光) with 235 questions. |
2 January 2014 Various Quiz Updates for Jouyou/Kyōiku Grade quizzes and Kanji Theme quiz. |
15 September 2013 New quiz - Jouyou Grade 1 Kanji - 常用漢字クイズ on page 2. |
15 September 2013 New quiz - Jouyou Grade 2 Kanji - 常用漢字クイズ on page 2. |
30 August 2013 New quiz - Jouyou Grade 3 Kanji - 常用漢字クイズ on page 2. |
11 August 2013 The quiz Newspaper Kanji - gets a total makeover and a new look. Test yourself on the kanji for the most common kanji needed to read a Japanese newspaper. The questions are split between two levels of 100 and 80 kanji. |
21 July 2013 The quiz Japanese First Names - gets a total makeover and a new look. Test yourself on the kanji for the most common Japanese names. The questions are split between two levels of 50 names each. |
28 June 2013 Yet more questions for the - Anime II - a total of 140 questions on 3 levels on Kanji encountered while watching D.Gray-man, Hataraku Maou-sama!, Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san, The Familiar of Zero - Zero no Tsukaima, Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu, Arata Kangatari, Shingeki no Kyojin, Karneval and Darker Than Black. |
5 June 2013 New quiz - Hiragana - the first level has 70 questions on hiragana characters, the second level has questions on words written in hiragana. |
5 June 2013 New - Page 2 - This section now has so many quizzes that one page is not enough. More quizzes can now be found on page 2. |
5 June 2013 New quiz - Jouyou Grade 4 Kanji - 常用漢字クイズ on page 2. |
5 June 2013 New quiz - Jouyou Grade 5 Kanji - 常用漢字クイズ on page 2. |
21 May 2013 The quiz Japanese Adjectives - gets a total makeover and a new look. Test yourself on the 100 most common Japanese adjectives. The questions are split between two levels of 50 adjective kanji. |
6 May 2013 The quiz Japanese Verbs - gets a total makeover and a new look. Test yourself on the 100 most common Japanese verbs. The questions are split between two levels of 50 verb kanji. |
23 March 2013 New level for - Anime Kanji - another 50 questions with Kanji encountered while watching Ah! My Goddess, Scrapped Princess, Fantastic Children, Chrome Shelled Regios, Medaka Box and Amnesia. |
10 March 2013 A new level and 40 more questions for - Kanji Theme - the sixth theme is language - 語. |
26 January 2013 The Japanese Surname-Family name quiz - 名字クイズ - now has a third level with even more questions. From 秋山 and 新井 to 安田. |
7 January 2013 The MENU of - Kanji Quizzes - has a new look and two new quizzes. There are now almost 2000 questions to practise your Japanese with. There is also some new kanji desktop wallpaper. |
7 January 2013 New quiz - Kanji Theme - 145 questions spread over 5 levels. The themes are 人 People, 悪 Bad, 火 Fire, 風 Wind and 水 Water. |
7 January 2013 New quiz - Anime Kanji - 100 questions spread over 2 levels. The Kanji are some of those encountered while watching Fairy Tail, Naruto, Code Geass, Shikabane Hime and other Anime. |
22 December 2012 The Japanese Surname-Family name quiz - 名字クイズ - has a new look and a second level with lots more questions. |
29 September 2012 An all new quiz to round out your vocabulary: kanji by Subject - house, garden, world, medical and maths. Can you score a perfect 120 every time? |
29 September 2012 The Romaji Phrases quiz moves to the Phrases Section. |
24 April 2012 Something new for your desktop - Kanji Wallpaper - a relaxing way to learn some kanji. |
30 January 2011 Yet another level and more questions for the Compound Kanji Quiz (Kanji 2) with a series of questions just on LIFE (生- セイ, ショウ, い.きる, き, なま, いき, じょう, りゅう). Score ten correct answers to change level, alternating with GENERAL compounds. |
28 January 2011 New levels and more questions for the Compound Kanji Quiz (Kanji 2) with a series of questions just on PERSON (人 - ジン, ニン, ひと, -り, -と, じ, と, ね, ひこ, ふみ) and a series just on POWER (力 - リョク, リキ, リイ, ちから, じから, つとむ). |
23 January 2011 New Kanji Quiz: Kyōiku Kanji Quiz (Kanji 1) - 教育漢字クイズ with 200 questions on 3 levels. Kyōiku Kanji grades 1 to 3. Score well to reach the next level. |
21 December 2010 The Technical Kanji Quiz now has 180 questions covering technical and scientific terms on physics, chemistry, genetics, astronomy, electronics, engineering and medicine. |
7 November 2010 The Technical Kanji Quiz now has a second level with more questions covering technical and scientific terms. |
4 August 2010 The second level of the Japanese Verb Quiz now has 100 questions, making a total of 150. |
18 July 2010 The Shinbun Word Quiz now has a second level with many more questions. Score well at 50 to see second series of question or less well to see it later. Use this quiz if you want to learn the most common kanji compounds needed to read a Japanese Newspaper. |
13 June 2010 New Kanji Quiz: Technical Kanji Quiz covering technical terms on science, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, astronomy etc. |
25 May 2010 There is now a total of over 1000 questions in the 9 japanese-English quizzes. |
17 May 2010 The Romaji Phrase Quiz now has a second level with more simple phrases and a focus on Japanese grammar. Score well at 50 to see the second series of questions. |
14 May 2010 The Katakana Quiz now has a second level with many on words in katakana. Score well at 30 to see the second series of questions. (Level 1 Katakana characters, Level 2 Katakana words) |
9 May 2010 The Shinbun Word Quiz now has 100 questions. Use this quiz if you want to learn the most common kanji compounds needed to read a Japanese Newspaper. |
20 April 2010 The Japanese Adjectives Quiz now has a second level with more questions. Score well at 50 to see them. |
15 April 2010 The First Names Quiz now has a second level with lots more questions. Score well at 50 to see the second series of First Names from Ai to Yuzuki. |
28 March 2010 More question and a second level for the Japanese Verb Quiz. Score well at 30 to see second level. The first level includes the most common verbs. The second level includes less common Japanese verbs and was inspired by Ranma and Lamu. |
22 March 2010 New Kanji Quiz: First Names with 50 questions on Japanese first names from Aiko to Yuki. |
5 Febuary 2010 Update Katakana Quiz. The number of questions on katakana characters are increased to 104. |
04 October 2009 New Kanji Quiz: Family Names with 50 questions on Japanese family names from Abe to Yoshida. |
16 November 2008 New Kanji quiz: Shinbun Words, most common kanji compounds needed to read a newspaper. |